How to install the LIPOServ Package:
Please keep following installing sequence:
- Import Moeller Certificate with private key password moeller
- Install Ghostscript Converter
- LipoServ
- run copyToXAMPP.bat
- This action defines following User/passwords
- User: root password: moeller
- User: lipouser password: lipouser
- start via Xampp Control Panel as Admin MySQL-Service
- run create_lipoDB.bat
- Edit the PDFOUTRoot & SMTP settings in c:\Program Files\Liposerv\liposerv.ini
- start via Xampp Control Panel as Admin and install Apache as Service with USER LOGIN Definitions ! in Properties
- Please keep in mind, that the firewall should only accept requests within the local domain !
- Install all displayed Icons/Applicaions shown on the Desktop which belongs to LipoSERV (Reboot is not necessary!)
- Please use the default displayed DRIVE and PATH! (f.e. C:\ )
- Run the htdocs.exe to extract the HTTP-Pages in follwing path: c:\Programme\Xampp\htdocs (Its the Doc-Root path!)
- Start APACHE and MySQL as SERVICE! (Important: Click on the checkbox Svc on APAPCHE - only so it can run as service)
- After APACHE is installed as service define that that service MUST run under a user on the system. Define the APACKE2.2 Service running under the user. and check it in the
- Start a Bowser and display thr URL http://localhost
- Click on STATUS and check the status of the server
- Click on SECURITYCHECK Button
- Define a root Password and User/Password for accessing the site via .htaccess
- Start PhPMyAdmin and login with root.
- Import via PHPMyAdmin the INIT-DB-SQL-Script, to define the liposuser User and the lipo DB.
- Click on RE-READ ADMIN RIGHTs, so that the imported users/passwords are defined.
- Please ensure, that the SSL.ini File in the LipoServ Directory is renamend to _ssl.ini. Otherwise LipoServ wants port 3307 instead of 3306.
- IMPORTANT! Please set the Regional Setting to GERMAN (Austria) , so that the short Date is in Form: DD.MM.YYYY and the dezimalpoint is a comma (,) - not a dot (.) See this as Video in XP Prof Engl.
- If you use VMWare Workstation with LipoServ the LIPOWARE_PDF_Printer should be the default printer, otherwise the pages are printed in black/white.