How to transfer a database from LipoWare 3.4 to a MySQL database.
- Open the LipoWare 3.4 database in Access - It is a Paradox Database format
- Mark the whole sheet with CTL-A and copy it with CTL-C
- Open Excel and insert it with CTL-V
- Insert a empty column named 'PZeile' as the first column.
- In 'control settings' set country to English(Great Britan), as you must be able to change the DATE to YYYY-MM-DD
- Format the Birthdate and Measurementdate to YYYY-MM-DD
- Save the sheet as *.csv File
- Ensure that the comma is a . not a ,
- If comma is a , and the field delimiter is a ; then change in an editor or your choice by substitute the comma to .
- Create a new DB in LipoWare 3.5 f.e it`s called LIPODATA
- Start mysql shell in a command window with: mysql -uroot -p<rootpasswrd> LIPODATA
- Use: mysql> use LIPODATA
- mysql> load data local infile 'ANSI.csv' into table lipo fields terminated by "," enclos